Aberpergwm, Neath Port Talbot, Wales

Aberpergwm House

The Restless Squire

The ghost of a former squire was reported in the area prior to 1925. It was said that he was unhappy with the choice of husband his widow had made. Another factor in the haunting, according to suspicious locals, was that she had remarried so soon after his death. This was viewed with suspicions of foul play, but nothing concrete has ever been found to confirm this theory.

Cwm Rhyd y Rhesg

A bridge was once said to span this ravine, and it was said to be haunted by the ghost of a headless woman that was to walk it every sixty years.


One witness described the apparition: “Her dress was snow white, and a mantle of dazzling purity fell over her shoulders in Vandyke points”.


Visitor Information

Aberpergwm is the site of a colliery in the Vale of Neath near Glynneath, Wales.

Pictured above left is the ruins of Aberpergwm House, ancestral home of the Williams family, courtesy of David Gentle. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.